咲かせや咲かせ – EGOIST / Translation

今となれば名残雪 虫は歩く いよいよと
Now there’s a lingering snow. Insects woke up like they were waiting for this

限りあるものが謡う 眠り冬を超えて
Things with limits sing. Beyond the hibernating winter

待ち遠しや梅 桜 ハナミズキ
Looking forward to plum, cherry blossoms and dogwood

燻れば蝶 に蜜蜂が舞う
If the flowers smell, butterflies and bees will flutter

清浄明潔 はよ来いひんかな
Can’t wait to see the clear blue skies and blooming plants*

*清浄明潔(sei-jyo-mei-ketsu): This word means “bright and pure, filled with the power of life”

今はただ陽光に 誰が夢を描く
Just for now, someone draws their dream on the sunshine

さあさ もっと踊れや踊れ
Come on! Let’s dance! Dance as long as we can!

Let the Naruko* make noise until night

*Naruko is a Japanese instrument that is close to castanet. It is often used in traditional festivals

花吹雪 咲かせや咲かせ
Shower of cherry blossom petals. Make it bloom!

Let the new spring come!

雪解けて土香れば 蛙も鳴く げらげらと
Snow thawed and we can feel the fragrance of the soil. frogs sing, ribbit ribbit

草は芽吹き山笑う 眠り冬を超えて
Grasses bud and hills are blooming. Beyond the hibernating winter

調子よけりゃ えいさ ほいさ そこの衆
If you guys are good, come on come on!

負けたらそれ飲め 目舞うまで
If you lose, drink and get drunk until your eyes roll

生生世世あらよっと 知らぬこと
The world always changes and never is the same? I’m not really good at those

今はただ餞と 皆が夢を描く
Just for now, it a farewell gift. Everybody draws a dream

さあさ もっと祝えや祝え
Come on! Rejoice and celebrate

Party until we can dance

皆囲え 咲かせや咲かせ
Everybody gather around, make it bloom!

If the new days of spring come,

Our hearts will bloom like it never did

どんと騒げ お前が立役者
Create some ruckus, you are the chosen one!

Dancing idiot or the idiot watches that from the side (which do you want to be?)

感謝感謝で八つ 手叩き拍子に乗れ
Gratitude over gratitude. Clap your hands ( time and bring that beat!)

うんと騒げ そら大地まで震わせろ
Make merry, even shake the earth with this party

どんと騒げ 老いも若いもそいやと
Make some noise, young or old it doesn’t matter at all!



Make it bloom! Make it bloom!


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